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Missing frames on USB HDD playback

Missing frames on USB HDD playback

When playing back recordings made on a USB HDD we get missing frames where the screen goes black for a split second. This can be every few minutes or every few seconds. This only happens on playback, not when watching live TV.


KD43XG8096BU with WD Elements HDD connected to blue USB port




Thanks to all for your comments. Unfortunately no solution as yet but I will report it to Sony Support. Yes it is only on HD channels for me too.  Is anyone using an extension for the USB cable and if so have you tried with or without the extension?

I'm not using an extension cable on my USB drive. Just the original cable that it came with. It's just long enough to connect to TV, run down the back of the tv leg and allow the drive to sit flat.

Ive got the same issue on both my 55xf9005 and on my 65xf9005. Ive tried a factory reset on the 55, 2 different hard drives and one ssd but the issue persists. Mine were also fine on android 7. Im running the latest firmware but each time ive upgraded the fault has remained. Its so annoying that ive gone back to using my humax pvr.

Hello everyone,


I'd recommend contacting Sony support about this as the more reports are received of an issue, the more data is collected and the closer a solution is.


One thing to keep in mind is that Sony don't recommend using a USB stick for recording, so expect to be asked to try an actual USB HDD before a case can be investigated officially.


Some other basics to cover:


-Update the TV to the latest software by checking the Sony website

-Check the signal quality (usually found in the Help menu)

-Make sure the HDD is registered on the TV
-Confirm the issue happens even after a factory reset



Brand new KD-49XH8196 here. It does this on mine with a Seagate 1tb plugged in...Random black flashes. Annoying!

anyone heard anything? Cheers.

Hi Nicko001. I reported it to Sony Support but have not heard anything back from them. However, I have not had this problem recently so finger crossed it may have sorted itself.


Something I do now avoid, because I think it may cause problems, is watching a program from the start whilst it is still in the process of recording. If you record the whole program then watch it after it has finished recording it is all fine. But if you start watching it from the start whilst it is still recording the end, then I think this may give issues such as pixilating and the missing frames.


I have also had another issue where all my recorded programs disappeared for a few days.  I couldn't record anything new and the tv was prompting me to re-register the HDD (which I didn't do). After a few days the programs all re-appeared and it is all working again.


HDD recording on our old Sony TV was faultless all the years we had it but this new TV seems to have various issues with this function.

Thanks Cyril, glad things have improved a bit for you! 

For me though, I’m pretty sure i had not started to watch any of the affected shows  while it was still recording. I’ll steer clear of recording HD for a bit as an experiment.


maybe it was a bad idea to go for Android TV? A bit on the flakey side!

I get this problem with the KD-49XH9505 which I've just purchased. I've tried a Samsung T5 1TB USB 3.1 Gen 2 SSD and a hard disc connected to the HDD USB port on the TV. I've also tried formatting the SSD in both exFAT and NTFS, changing MotionFlow to Auto and Off, Film mode to off and have rebooted the TV a number of times. I've also checked the latest software is installed and the signal quality is 100%.


When playing back recordings I get random missing frames where the screen goes black for a split second. This can be every few minutes or every few seconds. This only happens on playback, not when watching live TV and I believe it only affects HD recordings although I haven't watched enough SD recordings to be sure of this point.


I will report the problem to Sony Support and to the Sony dealer I bought the TV from.

Please let us know if you find out anything. Cheers!

Will certainly let you know if I do make any progress.


However, I'm beginning to think I may need to buy an HD PVR. But this would be an unexpected expense and a disappointment which would dent my confidence in the quality of Sony products.