KD65XD9305 - TV won't turn on


KD65XD9305 - TV won't turn on



Had my KD65XD9305 since June, and it's been brilliant.


Tonight I tried turning it on with the remote and it won't respond. Tried with the buttons on the TV and it won't respond. Checking the power block with a multi meter shows its got power coming out of it. Checked all the cables, swapped power sockets and nothing is working. 


What can I do? I feel so disappointed. 

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Just happen to me and i bought it 5 months ago, very dissapointing.




im having exactly the same problem at the moment and hoping the engineer will fix this issue like yours. 


Question. Did you lose all your picture settings after the repair?


thank you



Hi I put the TV back to factory reset if I remember rightly. Sony fixed my TV and it has been working fine since then :))

I had no Tv for over a week.


I am having exactly the same problem 5 months after buying the 55 inch 9305.

Turned off from the mains as outside lights being installed.

Hasnt worked since, despite trying all the measures highlighted above.

Having the repairman from John Lewis in to look at it today.

Fongers crossed


its bloody crap this TV ours has been the same since we bought it and both Currys and Sony not interest £2500 down the grid will never buy Sony again ever



We are now on our second 55XD9305. The first screen had a problem, after 55 days, that 'noone' had heard of before. It took three weeks and, only down to, a very understanding Currys Manager that we got a new TV.


The brand new replacement 55XD9305 refuses to power on after less than 6 months, that's now 8 months and two faulty tellys.


I have found Sony Customer Service to be reprehensible, they are full of stock answers, broken promises and dire communication. I was told that Sony do not have a refund policy, lets say that again, SONY DO NOT HAVE A REFUND POLICY and that it won't be an option however far up the ladder I go... let's just see shall we. What good is a TV that needs to be repaired or replaced every four months on average? What good is an enhanced warranty when I don't know, from one day to the next, if my TV is going to work.

Not applicable

Hi @paullysmiff


Have a look at this:



Sony will repair the TV is its faulty in regards to not powering on - DPS Board replacement.




Yes I have the same problem now November 2017 after 6 months.

Engineer came out changed power supply found screen fault said Sony do not fix screen faults.

Said they would get back to me but had to ring them. Spoke to three different people and got same answers like they were reading off a script. They now have agreed to replace it with the same model. Which is discontinued so not sure were they are getting it from. But not Happy as fault with this model could happen again. I have always bought sony TVs, Phone , PS3 ,Surround Sound.

But unless I get a Decent replacement I will not buy Sony Again.So Sad as what it would cost them to give me a new model is nothing to keep Customer Satisfaction.


Hi my tv is only 3 days old  and failed to restart.. no power light nothing, tried all of the resets still nothing

Bought from John lewis who are going to replace  thankfully a reputable company!!

It did a software update prior to this,. is this the issue? when the new tv arrives should  stop the update?