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Those who bought their sets from Curry's Online or instore after seeing it on the web...
Could anyone who bought a 49X8305C - Or who even saw or saved the advert - between November 1st 2015 and December 31st please confirm what warranty the set was advertised with? - And whether they received anything about that warranty wither from Curry's or in the box with the set?
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Just bought mine on 19 January, and it has five years warranty from Sony, only one year from currys, but I was offered their extended warranty for a lot of money, reading the reviews about their android TV's, I wonder if I should have done more research first, but it was a Sony after all.
I have had no trouble with it at all yet, although I am still using my humax box with it, but the you view seems to work too, not tried any apps yet, as we generally use iPads for most things
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You've only had it a day then? - Go look at the long long thread on these things... First sign of trouble; send it back.
I'm trying to gather some 'witnesses' from the November-December period because I have good reason to believe Curry's have either mis-sold the warranties on these or are trying to 'stiff' customers on it. - And IF you got Sony paperwork in your box; DO be sure to send it off ASAP!
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Or do you have to go through the whole rigmarole of calling an engineer out, which in my experience is a bad idea as these guys know less than myself.
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Curry's, in my experience and opinion, are absolutely not to be trusted when it comes to warranty issues. And as much as the problems are Sony's rather than theirs, they do require a 'feet to the fire' approach... Their conduct in the past has certainly left me angry and disgusted. And they only got the business this time because they could deliver quickly.
The long thread has much more detail and various experiences. My own tack has been...
1) These sets are not fit for the purpose of receiving off-air broadcasts because of various instability issues. And they cannot be made so.
2) Keep and do absolutely everything in writing, don't deal with them over the phone; because a verbal agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.
In my own case I actually AM a trained, qualified AV technician with many years of experience. - And you're quite correct in saying that the so-called 'technicians' Curry's seem to hire know little of what they speak; they're simply mouthpieces for the company.
However, in the first instance it was Sony I dealt with, they have been helpful and matters are ALMOST resolved...
Except Curry's - having sold the set with a 5-year guarantee - would now appear to be trying to 'stiff' me on it! Luckily, I do have a printout of the advert I bought the set off; dated and everything!
Many of these sets seem plagued with random re-boots and lock ups. In fact only last Saturday whilst in the Curry's store in Livingston I noted two display models; one locked up the other randomly rebooting! The problems are endemic to the sets, widely known and not (apparently) something that can be 'repaired'.
On that basis - should you experience an issue - you are entitled to return the set for a full refund. - Their "engineer's" opinion is irrelevant; if you want witness to the problems you have 400+ pages of comments from fellow sufferers. - And personally, I'm quite prepared to go to court and stand as an informed witness for anyone who is stiffed by any retailler on one of these sets. And really; it's a case of the sooner you reject the goods as 'unfit for purpose' the better.
Some people have, I believe, simply packed their sets up and returned them to the store... One would I imagine need to be prepared to 'do battle' in that scenario.

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Hi there
In regards to your Currys warranty issue, if you havent done so already it is advisable to contact Currys in writing with the isdue at hand as well as a photocopy of any proof you might have - give Currys a chance to resolve the warranty issue and escalate if needed.
If you still have problems, there is s UK Consumer Ombudsman that can help you.
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Actually the issue over the warranty comes to light as the result of Sony's interventions...
Curry's WERE contacted (in writing) at quite an early stage, and advised in writing that the 5-year Warranty was with Sony. - But there was nothing in the box with the set (as there should be with this type of promotion) and no indication as to how the warranty should be registered... By this time I was in direct contact with Sony support.
The matter has come to light as Sony move to transfer the warranty onto the the replacement set they have supplied. - Curry's have not acted in any way to attach that warranty to my 'old' set!
Now; this takes a little more troubling perspective when I relate the following experience...
Some years ago they sold my now late, and then Octogenarian Mother in law a warranty which they later refused to honour; they had told the old lady it was a new-for-old warranty; when in fact it wasn't worth a light! – At the time she was suffering from Alzheimer's; and the manager of their Hermiston Gait store actually seemed to take great pleasure in having ripped off an old lady! - Rather than distress her I actually walked to another store and just bought her a new TV myself!
On relating this experience to others I discovered many people report similar experiences with Currys; i.e. they are famous for their warranty rip-offs! And the case I personally have experience of seems to be by no means unique.
My contention - my opinon - is that the possibility exists of Curry's mis-selling these sets with a warranty that - years down the line when you might need it - they will then claim never to have supplied! In my opinion they may possibly be the largest electrical retailer in the UK; but they are by no means reputable!
As for the Ombudsman? They hardly have the most useful reputation either!
My own 'problem' is essentially solved as Sony have stepped up to the plate and confirmed that THEY will honour the five year warranty. - And as distressing and time consuming as the whole matter has been, I believe Sony have gone the extra mile and brought things to a very satisfactory conclusion.
My concern at this stage is for others who might be blisfully unaware that there might be some issue with the warranty they think they got with their set. And if several people can corroborate during what periods Curry's were selling the sets with this promise of a warranty, then I believe that might be helpful now and in the future.
So... If you bought one of these sets advertsised with a 5-year warranty, got nothing from Curry's and nothing in the box from Sony, this is the time to speak out.