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I have DSC-R1 camera and I want to capture still images at fixed time interval. The camera will focus on a subject throughout the period. Does anyone has an idea of how I can go about this?
Hello femifederal - Welcome to the Sony Forums
Although there is not a function within the camera to perform time-lapsed photography, it is possible to buy an intervalometer online that will control the DSC-R1 at regular intervals for taking shots. These are produced by third party companies, and you will see one example if you do a Google search for 'TM-S Timer remote control for Sony DSC-R1.' It functions by generating a simple 'trigger' signal at an interval specified by the user, and this will allow you to capture the images in the way that you describe above.
Message was edited by: blaireau_photo
Thanks Simon. Is it possible to synchronize about 3 cameras to take images with the control of the intervalometer at the same time?
It is possible to do this but, as you might imagine, it requires a little more effort and quite possibly additional hardware to work successfully.
For captures of a quite short duration you may be ok connecting an intervalometer to each cam. However things will quickly run out of synch and make it very difficult to coordinate in post production. Over a longer duration things get very specialised and quite technical.
There aren't many affordable specialised systems for this and the only one I can think of is the set up suggested by OpenMoCo
Hopefully that gives you an idea of what's involved.