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Display Problem


Display Problem

Has anybody or can anybody help or give me advice regarding my sony viro with model number PCG-GRT815M, recently I notice my monitor the light (bridgness) sometime go lighter and suddenly go brighter while my laptop is on. Also start yesterday when I turn my laptop on, the monitor hardly able to see, which means the monitor goes very dark until I have to restart the laptop and the monitor back to normal. But today the monitor start go funny again. Sometime gone darker and come to brighter again. Could anyone know or tell me what causing this? Thanks!:smileycry:


Hi gsweetieuk,

I just posted a message looking for parts for Vaio Laptops. I had a similar proble - flickering screen. In my case it is the Backlight. This is a small thin neon strip along the bottom of the LCD panel itself [ in my case ]. To get at it you need to open up the LCD panel part of the laptop casing and disconnect / take out the panel itself. If you feel brave :slight_smile:

Useful link -

My unit - a Vaio PCG FX701 is about 4/5 years old so I had no difficulties in doing this.

Their are a number of sites online [ US sites ] that do spare parts for Sony Laptops eg

It could also be a thing called the Inverter - this is at the end part of your LCD panel unit - about the size of a pack of Wrigglys Chewing gum [ same shape ish ]. This supplies enough power to the LCD [ I think ]

Hope this helps,