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SVR-HDT1000B recording problems

SVR-HDT1000B recording problems

Hi, hope someone can help with a recording problem I have with my SVR-HDT1000B

Overall the unit is great and I am delighted with it. The only frustration (and it is a big one) is that on some occasions programs that are scheduled to record simply don't.

This occurs with series link and single time recordings. I have instances where one or two episodes of a ten part series just haven't recorded.

On a number of occasions when I have noticed that the recording light hasn't come on (while I have been watching another channel) when I switched viewing to the channel that was supposed to have been recording the unit then starts recording halfway through the program. It's almost as though the unit has simply "forgotten" to start recording......

This has been occurring intermittently over the last month or so and probably happens to 1 in 20 programs scheduled to record.

I have tried resetting the unit to factory settings, updating the system software and re-tuning all the channels. This hasn't made any difference. The problem occurs intermittently on all channels - both HD and normal.

Hope someone can assist.

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I too get this - the only way I have got over this is to delete the program in the 'Timer' listing and then reselect them from the 'guide' . Maybe somebody else has a better solution. The Sony site is useless when trying to get answers to problems/queries.

I have experienced similar problems on a number of occasions. I find that the "follow the EPG" feature of the unit to be most unreliable. I now set the recording timer manually. I use the EPG to find the program(s) I want to record and instruct the unit to record them. I then use the TIMER facility to manually edit the saved settings. I set the the start times five minutes earlier and edit the recording time accordingly. Haven't lost any recordings to date using this procedure. It may take a bit longer to set up the recorder but at least my recordings don't start half way through the program as I have experienced too many times before. I consider it just bad luck when the broadcaster changes the start time by more than a +/- five minutes from th eadvertised EPG time.