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Do not read the sim card


Do not read the sim card

Quiero ponerle otra sin card a mi tlf y no lee más y tampoco me da la opción de redes móviles, solo lee la sin card con la que venía el tlf. Pero quiero cambiar de línea compre el chip de la misma línea y me sale no hay tarjeta sim que debo hacer?

I want to put another one without a card to my phone and it does not read more and it does not give me the option of mobile networks, just read the card without which the phone came. But I want to change the line I bought the chip of the same line and I get no sim card what should I do?



Hi @Fabi4, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Your question has been translated to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

I think the translation may not have worked fully as I'm having a hard time understand exactly what the behaviour is that you are experiencing.

Do you have a working SIM card in the device now, but when you put a different SIM card into the device, this SIM card does not get a network connection? Is the second SIM card activated?

Please do elaborate a bit on the exact behaviour you are experiencing, thank you.