Sony SGP311 problems


Sony SGP311 problems

Hi - (I think its an old XZ - as its looks VERY similar to one I used to have)

I`ve acquired an old tablet - that when I recieved it, I`ve noticed someone has been inside of it.

Back panel loose. Battery not screwed in. USB metal clip is missing - so USB port is loose.


That aside, everything looks undamaged - just not screwed together.

It does have a fault though - that I hope is just down to its probablyt not been charghed for YEARS!


When I plug a USB in, I get a red light. I cannot turn it on - or at least no audio  & no screen when press power while charging.

If I unplug the USB, the red light stays on - with no change of function.

With the ability to disconnect the battery - seems to be the only way to turn it (at least the red light) off.

Once its off, if I DONT plug in the USB and try to turn it on,  I get 3 red flashes.


My pc seems to recognise a usb device plugged in (the windows chime thingy) - but notthing shows, nor will the sony companion SW see anything.

I`ve tried power & vol up, vol down, for about 30 seconds each, with USB in and out... nothing.


Any ideas?  


hello @simon_m74 


it might worth having it sent for repairs.

however try to charge the device using the wall mount adapter for 1-2 hours, then download Xperia companion and try to connect the device and perform a software repair.
Community Team

Hey there, I don't see anything else that can be done, you can book a repair through this link: