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A couple of days ago my phone went dead and had no response at all. When unplugging battery from phone and then inserting charger the light turned green i was then able to flash the firmware onto the phone and now the phone is stuck in a bootloop but when plugged in the phone works perfectly, when unplugged the phone sometimes stays on for a minute or so, other times off straight away. Have repaired phone with PCC many times with no luck and have flashed then updated to latest and still no luck, any thoughts? Replys very much appreciated
I would have said perform a repair but as you have already done this then all you can do is contact Xperia care and find out where your nearest service centre is
Don't suppose you have checked the pins in the usb port - Just wondering if you have a damaged or crossed pin
unfortunately, as i've taken the back off and the battery out (the phone is a fixed battery), the warrenty is void. They can't advise anything other than sending it for repair, but i've got past the big mess of it being bricked and not turning on at all, just the one problem left, would a new battery help? is this problem a one off or has this happened before?
Not seen it mentioned on here before and it could be a battery issue but without testing you can't be sure