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Navigation voice disappears when connecting


Navigation voice disappears when connecting

Whenever I use Google Maps on my Sony Xperia Xa1 and plug in the charger the device decides to turn off voice messages and the only way I have resolved the sitation is to re-boot the device.

This is inconvenient and I want to know if there is a setting that is available that chooses to switch off sounds when the device is charging and can I change this?

Thanks Mick


Hi @MichaelA123, sorry to hear this.

Is it only the sound for the navigation sound that disappears when you connect the charger or is it the same for notification sounds and ring tone as well? Have you noticed if it only happen when you connect to the charger in your car or does it seem to happen when charging in general?

Let me know and I'll do my best to assist you further!


It is only when I use google maps that  the sounds are disabled.