Share your experience!
SONY we buyed xperia sp beacuse it feutured kitak update and now we've searched on the web and the signes are saying that were not getting 4.4 ktkat update we are a group of xda devs.and we are here to get the voices of other sp owners to sony ,we are an sony big fans but we think that sony mobile is letting us down unlike the sony compiuter entertainment,thair incredible on how how they treat they'r costemers ,we hope that the upper sony managment / devolopers get this massage to change the way thay treating thair costemers ,or these costemers have to buy other mobiles .WE WANT 4.4 UPDATE,,AND FIX THE CRAPPY 4.3 BUGs PPLLEEAAZZ.
1.screan flercking
2.uninstalling app bug
3.system ui bug
4.crappy os performance(MOST IMPORTANT) is very bad quality for 8 mp camera
6.viber call bug (sound cuts after 3 sec)
Don't ignore us we are all that u have
I also use xperia sp, to be honest I was very disappointed with sony support to its devices. unlike apple who is always faithful to her to update the device to the point where weve really not possible. the next day I will no longer use the mobile device from Sony. we are very disappointed to support renewal of its software. we love technology, we need a device that is really supported by the vendor. we will not hesitate to switch to the nexus, htc or iphone that really support the device software update of the device. Unlike SONY
Sony product is the best hardware, but its very bad in his support software.
We hope sony team, listen to this forum thread
If sony does not change his bad mind set, we'll say goodbye forever to Sony
Enlight us please of a phone in the price range of 200 eur that beats Xperia SP ... ^^ so please if ur comment was just because atm u dont get KK ...its useless have a great day
My 2 cents worth.
Sony XPERIA SP is very powerfull device.
it has same functions as Sony XPERIA T etc. But there are some new features - Glove mode, color notification bar or very good construction.
Many users report about bugs with KitKat too. Why do you guys want KitKat? Do you expect better performance or new apps/properties with 4.4?
I got rid of most of the bugs with the .205 update and I'm happy with XSP now. I'd rather have a bugfree 4.3 than another frustrating process of getting the 4.4 behave well.
Armix, Sorry for being harsh but that is the stupidest thing you have said in this time frame when thousands of better devices with latest softwares are available in the market.
I am not saying Xperia SP is bad, I myself owned this device and are satisfied user. Recently I had bought MI3 @ INR 14000 (even SP is available at about 15000 now though I had paid INR 23000 for it) and you wouldn't believe it is far better than any mid range device including Samsung's any device except Note 3.
I still wonder why the Ambient Light Sensor doesn't work in Xperia SP...No one can deny the fact that SP does have few bugs and some really are very irritating, one I already have mentioned 'light sensor'.