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Huge doubt about buying wh-1000xm4 after owning wh-1000xm3 for half year, considering plastic crack?

Huge doubt about buying wh-1000xm4 after owning wh-1000xm3 for half year, considering plastic crack?

Half year ago i bought wh-1000xm3. I was very much pleased, active noise cancelling its just amazing and sound isnt bad either, maybe little to much bass, but great overall experience. After half year of  8+ hours of daily usage, taking them to job, using them at home, using them at travelling and always folding them back in to case very carefully and being very careful with them, the plastic broke!? Maybe its to blame that i have bigger head, and i apply more pressure by wearing them (because they are always maximum extended), but Sony engineers should have calculated safety factor of resistence for material! Plastic broke under normal usage on 300$ worth headset in just half year!? Picture:



The warranty doesn't apply here, because service will say it was physical damage and i wasn't careful with them. So i looked into the matter and found out that many people on different forums have exact same issue with this headphones. And what is even more stunning, new Sony wh-1000xm4 on first eye seems to look exactly the same in terms of materials and structure. Since i was really hoping to buy new headphone set after hearing out that they have even better ANC i am really in doubt, because i can't be spending 400$ dollar on headphone set which breaks after 6 month of usage. So if anyone knows if materials and structure on sony wh-1000xm4 is same as on wh-1000xm3 i would be very pleased to hear the answer, before i make decision about buying this or other anc headset? Are there even headphones which are close to anc to this ones?



Personally, I haven't seen them both side to side or had them both in my hands at the same time, but the M4 has slightly bigger ear cups and most likely has adjustments in the design but not major, since it's supposed to be the same model but better, or as close as they can get.


There are other ANC headphones out there of course, but from checking out reviews on YouTube and other places, the M3 was the top of the line ANC headphones.


If you want to be absolutely sure about the design, you can check a local retailer and take your M3 with you, can't think of a better option.


- J.D.

I checked and they have fixed problem on wh-1000xm4. They are cca. 2x wider in that area.