Share your experience!
Hi Everybody,
I've bought a brand new NWZ B183, just two days ago, and I have some serious problems already.
Namely, I went to the gym, and had my mp3 in the in my gym shorts pocket. The shorts were somewhat wet from the sweat after the workout, and my mp3 went bezirk after the workout. Volume went all the way to the top, and I couln't decrease it with volume butons. When I pressed the volume buttons the sound went down momentarily but immediately after realising the button, it went all the way up to 30 (units). That happened over and over again. I have tried to reset many times but that didn't solve the problem.
After I left it overnight to dry out (assumig moisture was the problem), the volume now works OK. However, "cannot charge therometer" is displayed when I plug the mp3 to my laptop. Moreover, and pottentially worse, now the RESET button stooped working completely.
Are such major malfunctions "normal" for this model after expousure to some sweat? I mean it's not like I dropped my mp3 in a glass of water or sweat or something. This is really frustrating. I have never had such sweat moisture problems with my old Philips mp3, which was exposed both to sweat and seawater many, many times and This SONY NWZ model is twice as expensive!! It's really VERY dissapointing.
What should I do? It's under guarantee. Ask for a new one? Will this happen again with the new one after exposing it to some sweat? The whole point of buying an mp3 was that I can use it in the gym 😞
Please help.