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VAIO RS222 / ASUS A7N266-VX Motherboard


VAIO RS222 / ASUS A7N266-VX Motherboard

Hi all,

I hope that somebody here can help me !!!

I have a VAIO RS222 Desktop and I have recently attempted go upgrade the FX5200 graphics with a Gainward GeForce6600. This needed more power so I had to transfer all components into a new case with a bigger power supply. Unfortunately I cannot get the Gainward card to work in the machine. I have tried to contact ASUS for support but they said that this particular motherboard is a Sony OEM board and cannot help. Does anybody know if there is a compatibility issue with any other card besided the FX5200 that came with the machine? In the BIOS there is a setting for the shared VGU but you cannot disable it, only choose the option of 8mb, 16mb, or 32mb.

Please help !!! :cry:


Yeah...I'm beginning to see my mistake in buying a Sony...Even my old TINY computer was more upgradable than this !!

If I do get a new Motherboard and CPU, will I hvae to reinstall windows etc ???

What kind of motherboard can you recommend ?



Good old Sony - mess with them at your peril.

Having spent all this money on a new case and power supply, it would seem from your comments that the next logical step would be a new motherboard.

But where does it all end you might as well get a new processor at the same time.


As I have both a Sony Desktop and a Laptop I am afraid I wouldn't have a clue about Motherboard recommendations.

Yes you are right you would also have to buy Windows too.

An expensive Video card upgrade :slight_frown:


Yeah...I'm beginning to see my mistake in buying a Sony...Even my old TINY computer was more upgradable than this !! 

I wouldn't say it was a mistake, you probably paid a premium price for a quality bit of kit.

Unfortunately Sony Desktops are a bit like Sony Laptops, you are stuck with what you have got!


Thanks for your help. It was a quality bit of kit back when I bought it, but it would have shown all the more quality had it been upgradable. Sony are a massive name and they should produce equipment that reflects this.


Thanks for your help. It was a quality bit of kit back when I bought it, but it would have shown all the more quality had it been upgradable. Sony are a massive name and they should produce equipment that reflects this.

I agree with you but when I bought my RZ502 I was aware that to all intents and purposes it was non upgradeable.

On the other hand I gave up computers for gameing years ago - too many expensive upgrades needed.

I paid £500 for a DX2 66 chip:smileysad:

Expensive lesson learn't .:smileysad: