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Strange Problem with a Novatel Wireless Merlin XU870 modem


Strange Problem with a Novatel Wireless Merlin XU870 modem

Hi all,
I've got a very strange problem with a Novatel Wireless Merlin XU870 wireless Express card. I'm using it on a Sony Vaio FW series (FW31E) running Windows Vista.

If I configure the card forcing only GPRS connections (slow) everything works properly.

If I let the card to choose the connection or if I force the UMTS protocol a very strange problem happens: the computer looses the card (as if I physically pull out the Express Card) and then immediately the computer sees again the card (as if I physically insert the card).
In practice the card loops in the steps: ask the PIN, loose the USB link with the card, regain the USB connection with the card, ask the PIN.

The card works properly on other computers.

Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks a lot!

PS The computer is fully updated


Hi detasan,

What card type do you have?

I have found a link which may help you a little.

I take it you have downloaded all the latest drivers from both Sony and NovAtel.

Hope this may help, Mark.


Hi all,
I've got a very strange problem with a Novatel Wireless Merlin XU870 wireless Express card. I'm using it on a Sony Vaio FW series (FW31E) running Windows Vista.

If I configure the card forcing only GPRS connections (slow) everything works properly.

If I let the card to choose the connection or if I force the UMTS protocol a very strange problem happens: the computer looses the card (as if I physically pull out the Express Card) and then immediately the computer sees again the card (as if I physically insert the card).
In practice the card loops in the steps: ask the PIN, loose the USB link with the card, regain the USB connection with the card, ask the PIN.

The card works properly on other computers.

Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks a lot!

PS The computer is fully updated

... And all the drivers are the latest!