PC to TV wireless link freezing


PC to TV wireless link freezing

Dear Forum.

I have a Vaio standalone, [model VPCL11M1E], and use it to send wireleess images / films to my TV, using a Q-waves Quicklink TV Wireless wifi PC Video sender. This always works well, on a resolution setting of 1280 x 720.

For the festive season, I downloaded a crackling yuletide log fire, which I wanted to display on my TV.

Here's the strange thing. The TV only displays a STILL image of the fire, untill I right click to display a menu on the PC / TV. Then the TV image bursts into life, but ONLY as long as the menu, [any right-click menu] is on screen. As soon as the menu disappears, the image reverts to a static picture.

I have played about with various settings, but have not managed to resolve the problem.

Can anyone please advise what could be going on here?



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