What happened to my TV-screen ?


What happened to my TV-screen ?

It's been around 10 months I never turn on my Bravia KLV-S26A10 anymore. That time the TV screen has no problem when I just put the TV in the room and never touch itu ever since.

Today, I want to try to do a dual monitor function for my PC, so I hook the Bravia also besides the newer monitor to the graphic card on PC.

And I noticed the Bravia screen look likes in the attachment picture No.1 (01_cracked.jpg). First I thought it's just a dirt, so I just continue to turn the TV on ... and the screen looks like the picture no.2 (02_bleed.jpg). This picture I took was after put the "Picture" & "Backlight" setting all the way down to Minimum.

It's not a dirt, it's like a deep thin horizontal lines - just like we usually find in a wooden table. When I touch those area, I think I feel it is hard, not soft like the other area which doesn't have those "scratch".

Anyone please can enlighten me what happened to the screen ? I hope it's not a broken screen which I need to replace.

Any kind of respond will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advanced.

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Hi there

I think you already know the answer to your question, but....It appears that you have a hardware fault in your TV. Ive had a quick search via google, and cannot find your exact symptoms, im also not a tv technician, so i cant tell you the exact fault.

You have basically two options that I can see

- Contact an authorised Sony repair centre and get a quote

- Replace your tv with another one.



Hi Quinnicus,

Thank you for your fast responds.

Yes, I did search a few hours to find if anyone else has the same symptomps like mine - but no joy.

And yes, you were right that my feeing is that I have to replace the screen - I regret not to sell quickly that time soon after I got the newer one :).

Thank you once again for your respond.
