Xperia L1 requesting few changes


Xperia L1 requesting few changes

Hello everyone. I would like to describe and request few changes made to Sony's user experience. I feel like me and many many others would like to see them happen. If anyone agree with what I posted here, please leave me a Kudos so Sony could see how many of you would see this changes happening.

Xperia L1 is amazingly builded entry-level device which could be used even as small tablet but it's software makes few to annoy its users should change.

1. Bloatware - I don't mind to get bloatware on my phone as I can usually disable or uninstall these 3-4 apps I would never use. After disabling 15 apps and trying to figure about how to remove few of them which have "disable button greyed - out" I decide to appeal to Sony designers. Please don't over do it.

2. SwiftKey Keyboard - it's ok to include crappy default keyboard to see if users will like it or not. What's not ok is to implement one without possibility to disable or remove it. I am using GBoard but from time to time play store updates unused SwiftKey.

3 - I would like to also understand the reason why Sony gave up and not included possibility to setup memory cards as internal storage which is standard features of Android Marshmallow and Nougat, so much bloatware included but no way to expand internal storage.

4. - Night Mode hasn't been included as well, there is Xperia Action to automatically reduce blue light at night but in my opinion it does not work very well, it still hits my eyes so at night if I want to read some news before sleep I am forced to use my BQ Aquaris X5 Plus.

I hope that Sony will listed to all feedbacks and will improve these things in the future. I have decided to give Sony another chance (3rd time) and purchased Xperia L1 to see if they decided to go the right path, I will also purchase Xperia XZ1 Compact when this one will be available in UK and compare flagship experience to entry-level experience. If these things won't be improved I will still buy Sony devices and accessories but  will skip smartphones.