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I own a STR-DH820 since yesterday which I'm using with a 5.1 speaker set with active subwoofer. After performing the auto calibration I doublechecked the results in the manual speaker settings. Here I noticed that the crossover frequency for all speaker didn't seem to be correct. They were all set to 120Hz, which probably is the factory default setting. With other AVRs, my speakers are normally configured to 80-100Hz.
I then set all crossover frequencies to the lowest possible value (40Hz) and performed another auto calibration. But the crossover frequencies remained unchanged at those 40Hz.
This would be a malfunction, because according to the instruction manual (p. 76 in the german version, the part where the manual crossover setting is described), the auto calibration should actually measure and configure the crossover frequencies.
I already performed a factory reset, which didn't help.
Is there anyone who can (positively or negatively) confirm that issue?
I double checked mine and it is the same. I had set the crossover on my subwoofer at about 80Hz yet it is shown in the receiver GUO as 120Hz.
What I have done is simply to set the subwoofer crossover to 120Hz and then redone auto calibration.
I am not convinced however- i find that if i run auto cal twoice, the first time it says my monitor audio speakers are large (which they are not) and then second time it says they are small...