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BDP-S185 Firmware

BDP-S185 Firmware

Does anybody know if Sony have plans to issue any further firmware updates for the BDP-S185 blu ray player? The last update was in May 2012!

It would be nice to know that I won't have to just chuck this one out and buy a new one every year.

Has Sony now completely abandoned this player? :angry:

Not applicable

Hi there

Out of sheer curiosity, .why would you have to buy a new blu-ray player each year, because of the lack of firmware updates?

Is this device not working to expectations?  If not, reply with your problem, and someone may be able to resolve it for you?


Hi Quin,

No, I wouldn't throw it away, it still plays blu rays and I can access all the other stuff that came with it when I bought it early last year. I just meant that it seems like the manufacturers give a 1 year guarantee and they do one update on the firmware then they just go onto the next new model, which of course is better, faster and with more apps. So if you are one of those people that likes the up to date stuff, then you DO have to buy the new ones, a small example are the apple products.

I know that the BDP-S185 is, or was, a starter box with quite a few apps that I liked, that is why I bought it in the first place, but it would be nice if Sony, and the other companies, would  also look after the older stuff as well as the new ones!

I just wanted to know if Sony are still looking after their existing customers and not just abandoning them.

Thanks for letting me have my moan :


Firmware updates are usually only to fix issues and especially on Blu-ray products as there are some odd discs produced every now and then. The device doesn't necessarily need new firmware to get new applications. Indeed TV's going back to 2010 are still getting some new applications where possible.


Hi Cat,

Thanks for that. I thought new firmware meant new apps too. They usually go together.