STR-DH190 Bluetooth weirdness


STR-DH190 Bluetooth weirdness

Hi. When I turn on the STR-DH190 amp from the remote, it autoconnects to my phone with Bluetooth (Google pixel 5). The volume on the phone directly changes the volume number on the amp, so it's not the phone volume that's changing - it's as if I'm actually reaching over and turning the amp volume ***** - so the number on the display goes up or down. It also doesn't go super loud (it's loud, but not crazy loud - see below)

However, when I turn on the amp via BT Standby feature (go to my phone and press "connect" next to STR-DH190 in the bluetooth devices and the amp wakes up), at that point the volume on the phone becomes the volume of the output signal, and the volume number on the amp stays the same. And if the phone volume is on max, the volume number on the amp is far less for any given actual decibel in the room. So for example, it might be on volume 15 on the amp for the same volume that the first scenario achieves on volume number 30, and in this scenario, it can go much louder than the first scenario.

Weird right? Any ideas why or which is better sound or what?