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I don’t really know where to start because I’m extremely upset, I will say to start things off, that I can be very toxic and reply to trolls with hate, now around January I finished my 30 days ban and did everything in my power to make sure I would change, ive had the account for I’d say between 8-10 years and have made many many purchases on there, I set all the privacy settings so no one could message and I couldn’t message... and all was fine until 2 days ago, I just finished a night of destiny 2 with friends getting ready for the big update, I turn everything off and go to sleep, I then wake up to receive an email telling me during the time I was asleep I apparently sent toxic messages to people and now I’m perma banned, now I don’t know what Sony is playing at but I didn’t do squat, I made sure in January to stop, delete chats that were vulgar, and turn my privacy settings so people wouldn’t message and I wouldn’t even see the messages unless I manually went on there, I can’t call them as I’m not wasting more money for what plenty people tell me will be no response, I am currently using my alt account as while I’d rather sell everyone because 10 years of my life is on the PS4 I can’t really give it up, even if I could just have my other games back, or another chance to add more security, I just generally don’t know what to do, and ofcourse I don’t even think I have proof that I didn’t do anything unless I got other people involved, I just want an answer, the email I received just said it violated the terms of service...
Hello @Sykesout,
this post is better suited for the PlayStation forums:
- Nic