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HX9V Cybershot firmware wish list

HX9V Cybershot firmware wish list

I am very pleased with my HX9V, but I do have a few suggestions for possible firmware updates.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

How can we best communicate our ideas to the developers?

Here are my thoughts:

Suggestions for firmware updates to HX9V (and other Cybershots)

1/ Option to turn GPS on (or off) from position information page

2/ Add a continuous shooting mode

ie hold down shutter button and camera continues taking pictures (refocusing for each shot) as quickly as possible (depending on shooting conditions and file size) until finger lifted from shutter button (or card is full)

Include this function as fourth option:  single / continuous / burst / bracket

3/  Increase bracket range to +/- 2EV

4/  Add function to ‘DISP’ – hold down 2 secs to enter panel brightness menu

(failing this, include panel brightness in top menu )

5/  Provide ‘automatic’ panel brightness option

6/ Save display detail settings separately for playback mode

eg detailed when shooting, clear screen on playback



I too own a HX9V and am very disapointed by the image quality. If the issue is with the compression algorithm or NR system then there should definitely by un update that would allow users of this camera to increase image quality.

I find it very disturbing that such an expensive camera can produce worse results than older Sony models.

the ideas that others have such as time lapse sooting, longer shooting times etc would also be very welcome and relatively easy to implement.


There are some problems that Sony should fix:

- Selectable compression. All of my older cameras do it better

- Selectable Noise Reduction (minus, normal, plus and OFF (I can reduce it with the pc with better results and more detail)). Best important is if I can switch off the NR

- Obviously shoot in RAW is the best way. In many situation the WB was wrong. With RAW there is no problem

- Do anything with flash. Everything near 2 m is killed by the flash. I can´t use it

In the other hand, video function is superb, don´t change it.

Please release a new firmware.


1. compression level selecttion/disable

2. raw support.

3. color profile selection for video and photo

4. internal file/folder browser

5. video file compression codec selection.

I don't know why some people complain about the high compression here. This is completely unsubstantiated. I have the HX9V for about 6 weeks now, and I have not noted any compression artifacts. My file sizes are about 3-6 mb depending on the scene, and that is consistent with a quality setting of the JPEG compression of 97% (one can estimate the quality factor by re-compressing the image; if the file size stays the same, then this is the factor the original file was saved with in the camera). I have never seen any image deterioration for a JPEG quality factor below 85%; and only if one goes below 50%, will the artifacts be a serious issue.

It is also incorrect to draw conclusions here from compression factors in cameras with a much lower pixel count: if one has twice the number of pixels in an image, then there is also twice the probability that two pixels are the same, so the image can be compressed more without losing any information (just create a 1000x1000 image with a uniform colour in your photo editor, if you save this as a JPEG, it will result in a 6KB file regardless of the JPEG quality chosen; this compression is thus lossless, as is a large amount in a normal photo where many pixels will be identical).

If you want to have reliable test shots to compare with different cameras, just go to . I made my decision to buy the HX9V on the basis of this, as the image quality outperforms all other compact cameras I compared it with. It even can compete with some entry level DSLR's like the EOS1100D as far as the image quality is concerned.


Thomas, are you kidding me? Do you have glue in the eyes?

+what you said :

"twice the size = twice probablity two pixels are the same." HUH? :anguished:

No, we usually choose twice the size ESPECIALLY for the pixels to NOT be the same.

Ce message a été modifié par: Bibelo

Ce message a été modifié par: Bibelo

I'm very happy with my DSC-HX9V. I wished for a camera which would give me good zoom, image quality and video quality in one unit. I don't need RAW, in fact I set my images to 5MP and video to HQ - to reduce file sizes. Choosing the level of compression would seem sensible though.

I do however require the following.

  • Video edit (clip trimming/split etc.) in camera.
  • The ability to control the speed of zooming in and out. (I find the existing default too fast at times)
  • Aperture and Shutter Priority

I have Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum so I can amend clips  in that of course but I really need to be able to basic edit in camera as I find that in most cases, it's the camera that I use to display via HDMI to a TV. Vegas Movie Studio of course cannot correct the too fast zoom.


Noise reduction feature in this camera is a real problem.. indoor shots like mood also outdoor shots are moody.. Up to 25x jpeg compression ratio just like ridicule, it is unbelieveble.

Sony must respect customers and add the camera disabling noise suppression feature.

This camera is real dissapointment that comparable picture quality with the my samsung d880 mobile phone

This camera is real dissapointment that comparable picture quality with the my samsung d880 mobile phone

These are my feelings exactly. If Sony want to have a future in the camera market (and not have the camera business eaten away by the smart phone), they must develop products that take better pictures than a phone. I've got a tread on this at...

Totally agree with the disappointment with the still image quality....a good compact ruined by the high compression. Have used this for 8 months and would never buy ANY Sony product again...NEVER !! It is a huge concern that Sony do not take action to correct an obvious & genuine consumer grievance. The support team replied to my email, but the reply they sent was not worth waiting on....actually insulting , as it indicated it was a standard reply to fob off my concerns and they had nothing to offer to effect the heavy noise compression. Unfortunately it was much too late for me and only after reading more reviews & tests ,comfirmed that Sony have no customer care worthy of the name. This is not sour grapes...just i have wasted money on a camera that has an in-built problem that could be resolved ...IF Sony cared !! I had planned to purchase a Sony HDTV and a Sony SLR but Sony will not ever be on my shortlist of goodies again. Oh, by the way...the new HX10v is not worth bothering about, either...i have tested this camera and it suffers the same noise compression problem  !!!

Trust me, i have used all types of compacts over 25 years and my old Fuji 6mp camera has a much better image that is pleasing to the eye... that can be zoomed in, cropped and printed !!!! Cant say that about the i said to the support team, im not a pixel counter, being over analytical or expecting slr quality....but the final image quality is terribly DISAPPOINTING !!!!!!

I have been using "premium compacts" for years, which includes cameras like Minolta Dimage A2, Coolpix 5000, Ricoh GX100 - and today the DSC-HX9 is my all in one all purpose compact camera. I have bought it because it has all the new interesting features (panorama, 3D, HDR, GPS) + a class leading video mode. Add an excellent LCD, large zoom range with good quality optics, active mode steady shot and very reliable auto modes it is a near perfect companion. I was aware about lack of manual image paramenter settings, lack of RAW format or even JPEG settings, but of course I checked reviews beforehand. For "serious photography" I use the Nex or the new A65.

So when comparing DSC-HX9 with other cameras in the same class (e.g. Coolpix P7100, Canon SX260, Panasonic TS20) I found out that they all perform on a similiar level. You can read the reviews at dpreview as well. I have used the "image comparaometer" tool from imageing resource website ( and checked the detail and color rendering at ISO400 on their standard studio test. ISO 400 because I think this is the highest ISO you can use without too much noise effect on a small sensor.

I have attached 6 comparsion screenshots, comparing HX9 to Coolpix P7100 (which is their flagship compact), Canon SX260 and Panasonic TS20 (both very comparable to HX9 with slightly less resloution.

See for yourself - the HX9 is as good as it competitors (HX9 always on right side).

Canon SX260:

Imaging resource ISO400_CanonSX260-Sony DSC-HX9_1.jpg

Imaging resource ISO400_CanonSX260-Sony DSC-HX9_2.jpg

Coolpix P7100:

Imaging resource ISO400_Nikon P7100-Sony DSC-HX9_1.png

Imaging resource ISO400_Nikon P7100-Sony DSC-HX9_2.jpg

Panasonic TS20:

Imaging resource ISO400_Panasonic TS20-Sony DSC-HX9_1.jpg

Imaging resource ISO400_Panasonic TS20-Sony DSC-HX9_2.jpg

I do understand that someone does not like the very processed look of the DSC-HX9. I am glad Sony has now seen the demand and potential for better image quality even in very compact cameras and released the large sensor DSC-RX100, which surely will be a better choice for people demanding highest possible image quality on a very small camera, which is what you are looking for.