Meet our photo competition winner

© copyright by Julien Delaval© copyright by Julien DelavalFirstly, can you tell us where you’re based and what you do?
My name is Julien Delaval, I'm 30 years old and I live near Avignon in the Provence region. I sell multimedia and technical products.


When did you first get into photography and what was your first camera?
I took up photography seven years ago — I had an old reflex camera and a wide-angle lens which was perfect for landscape photography.


Can you tell us the story behind your photo? Where did the idea came from for this picture?
This photo was taken on a beach on the Spanish side of the Basque coast. It's known as a surfing spot and it also has rocky ocean outcrops. I stayed on that beach for three days just waiting for some good weather, and then on the last day the sky complemented the converging lines perfectly.


Can you run us through the equipment that you used to get the shot?
The image was taken with a Sony A7R/16-35 f/4 with a LEE 0.9 hard filter and a NISI ND64 filter.


Finally, what would you advise to other photographers to get a winning picture?
I'd advise people to stick to their instinct and their style — that's what makes your photos different to everyone else's. You have to constantly reassess yourself in terms of every aspect of the photos you take: you have to think about emotions, ambience, composition, lighting, framing, colours, treatment...It's not always obvious that all this has gone into an image. You often have to be patient in landscape photography, so be patient and expect nothing but the best of yourself!

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