Sony w807c channel thumbnails - how to?


Sony w807c channel thumbnails - how to?

I'm usually able to find answers to my questions without bothering the community but not for this oneone. 

I just bought the TV and I'm getting used to the navigation (I had a Panasonic) one thing is driving me crazy - when I use the discover button to browse through channels I get some random pictures above the channel names. They are far from useful as they appear to be random and repeat for different channels. 

How is this supposed to work? I guess the idea is to have a channel logo or a screenshot from the channel but I can't get any of that to work,. 

Any help will be appreciated. 




Don`t get me wrong - I like pictures of litle fish and nice sunsets as much as the next guys but...


Can someone at leasr tell me what I`m supposed to see?



You should see a screen shot from the Gracenote internet server (if you are connected to internet) if it is available for the specific channel, otherways you'll see a generic random picture. Said so, the discovery pictures are not updated really fast so you can see still the generic picture even if the actual one is available in Gracenote.

To check it better you can see the detailed info that are available for a specific program selecting it from the guide (if you are not using youview that I don't know how it works being outside UK)


Thank you so much.

Very storage solution rom Sony – to rely on external server. I guess my channels are not available (although they are pretty standard),

I may need to ask Sony Support for this.

Rely on external service is mandatory since through the DVBT EPG channel you cannot (AFAIK) manage multimedia info. You can cross check if Gracenote info are available for the channel you use installing the app TV&Video Sideview on your smartphone: it uses the very same service (and is very very useful, you can do anything with it even setting a timer from your office on your TV :slight_smile: )