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So many problems with my 2015 50inch 3d Sony Braiva Smart Tv


So many problems with my 2015 50inch 3d Sony Braiva Smart Tv

1. Blue light appears and remote/button on tv are unresponsive. Turn off and tv will not turn back on. Its random when it decides to do so.
2. Tv turns on no sound
3. Tv will only turn over via the app.
4. Tv turns itself on at night.
I bought this 3 months ago and noticed the issues 2 months ago. Thought I could live with it ,but today. Its not even turning on. Anyone know how I can get this tv to turn on? Spent alot of money on this TV and Ive had 3 months of hell. Great tv but the problems are awful..

@reabo101 wrote:
1. Blue light appears and remote/button on tv are unresponsive. Turn off and tv will not turn back on. Its random when it decides to do so.
2. Tv turns on no sound
3. Tv will only turn over via the app.
4. Tv turns itself on at night.
I bought this 3 months ago and noticed the issues 2 months ago. Thought I could live with it ,but today. Its not even turning on. Anyone know how I can get this tv to turn on? Spent alot of money on this TV and Ive had 3 months of hell. Great tv but the problems are awful..

To get better support you should mention your model# am i right in assuming this is a 2015 4K3D Android TV?


#1. Never had that

#2. Never had that

#3. Never had that

#4. Had that











the # are placeholders for a lot more problems your probablygoIng to run into if it is an Android TV there great but they are seriously buggy theres actually a thread with all the bugs. Weird thing is though mines been spot on ever since i disabled Leanback Launcher a few weeks ago, the remote control still locks up but so far thats it its never turned itself on im not missing program info anymore and the TV just feels a lot faster. Sony need to get in touch with Google and tell them to get that garbage off there beautiful TVs or atleast not force there customers to use it. IMO.


Sorry the model is





Not applicable

Hi there


As DJayM1988 mentions above, there as some issues that some are experiencing.  Your issues seems to be ones that are currently undergoing investigation.  See HERE for details.




Had a look at the thread, So many issues. 😕


Sadly my tv is at the stage where its doesn't even turn on. If I could get it on, i could maybe try so of the 'fixes'


How easy is it to arrange a repalcement tv?

Not applicable

As your TV is rather new, your first port of call is the retailer you purchased it from - usually its much quicker/easier too than going direct to Sony.

Is your power supply an external 19.5V DC like below?




I too am having similar issues. I have tried to log this multiple times with Sony only fror them to be condisending to me over the phone and refusing to deal with it.


I was actually told i was trying to just get a new free TV out of them!! 


It seems like their 5 year warrenty is not worth the paper it is written on.