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Auto Dimming - KDL65W855CB


Auto Dimming - KDL65W855CB





I am currently looking into replacing my two year old Samsung TV. I've grown sick of Samsung's non-user friendly and (in my opinion) closed system. The main reason why I want to replace my TV is due to the fact that you cannot disable its auto dimming "feature". Whenever a full range RGB color signal (or YCbCr) is fed to the TV it by default activates the TV's auto dimming feature without any means of disabling it other than switching the picture mode to "Movie". Which works fine when viewing movies but when gaming it doubles the latency and renders the TV unusable for games due to the high input lag. As a game collector I want to be able to enjoy my games without the enormously frustrating auto dimming feature and the game breaking input lag.




Through a bit of search I found out that Sony TV's seem to have the option to disable the TV's auto dimming feature. I wonder if anyone can confirm that this is the case and that it does indeed work when feeding the TV with a full range RGB color signal from for instance your computer or PS3-4, WHILST having the TV on in GAME MODE (for lowest latency/input lag).


I am currently looking at Sony's KDL65W855CB model and do not want a 4K TV since I have no need for a resolution of that size.


Thank you for reading! :slight_smile:


Best regards,



No one out there who can tell me about this? 😞


I have another question regarding this model. How is it to play on it? I read that the latency is about 37ms, which sounds kind of high if you ask me.