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I am struggling to use a remote shutter bulb with my A37

I am struggling to use a remote shutter bulb with my A37

Hi there,

This is my first play with  a decent digital camera. I am trying to do long exposure astro photography, both using a conventional lens and also using a telescope adapter.

However, if I turn the flash off, and try to use a remote shutter bulb, the damned thing does nothing.

Would anyone be so kind as to treat me like a complete muppet and explain the settings I would need to use to be able to take night shot photos please?

Also, I do have a slight issue using the telescope adapter as the viewfinder and the LCD display will not show what what I am looking at......

Please do not worry about offending me by treating me like an idiot...... :laughing: As far as digital photography goes, I am :thinking:

Message was edited by: Phil.Wainwright


Set the camera to M mode and select BULB.

The brightness may be to low for the electronic viewfinder to still generate a bright image