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XP downgrade and wireless


XP downgrade and wireless

I have just purchased a new Z series vaio and am downgrading to xp. Only problem is that I was not able to get my wireless connection to work on my new laptop - the wireless light is on but no-one is home. I am hoping that the download from will correct this problem. So I am now downloading this onto my old laptop, using the create CD option in the hope that I will be able use the CD to finalise the downgrade on the new laptop. The download is taking forever - so I just wanted to check that I am on the right track?


Hi marblemanta and welcome to Club Vaio.

Unfortunately the Vaio-Link servers can be slow and even worse at busy times.

What exactly are you downloading? Is it SETUP_Z2.EXE? That only seems to be 368KB.

I presume when you run this it downloads the required Drivers and Utilities which I would guess will be about 300MB.

Can you give us a few more details of what is downloading please?
