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Micref Level Normal Or Low For Very Loud/Bassy Music


Micref Level Normal Or Low For Very Loud/Bassy Music

Hello, me again! I bought the HX60 partly with loud concerts in mind. I gave up on my Samsung Galaxy Camera because of the inability to handle bass. Previously I had a Canon G9 and G12, oddly the older G9 handled Gorillaz bass way better than the other two. But I digress.


According to the manual Micref level should be set to Low for concerts, however looking across the web many users suggest setting it to Normal. I will be using the camera either stand-alone or with the external mic depending on the heaviness of security and if my camera could get in people's way. Has anybody any experience of Normal and Low Micref level settings? Coming up I have Franz Ferdinand on Friday which will be pretty loud and later on Lee "Scratch" Perry and Boy George who are both extremely bass-heavy.


I do not think you will get good results with such a camera in a Rock concert in regard to soun quality. Not only due to the danger of overmodulation/overdrive of the signal but because of the limited frequencs responce of the MIC (even the external) in the bass range. I doubt it will go below 100HZ




I left it on normal and got some results I was satisfied with watching Franz Ferdinand on Friday evening. A few issues with auto-focus due to a speaker being between me and the stage but otherwise beats my Samsung Galaxy Camera hands down!

